Saturday, March 23, 2013



Introverts often have a more difficult time with social interactions than others. This is especially true when it comes to dating. Just talking with other people can be a challenge for many introverts. It’s no surprise then that the thought of actually talking to someone who might be a future partner can send an introvert into a tailspin.


Here are a few quick dating tips for the introvert that may help.

1. Fess up.

Don’t pretend to be a social butterfly. There is nothing wrong with being introverted. Tell your date if you are someone who seeks friendship first or needs time to fall in love. You may scare away a few flakes, and instead attract people who will really appreciate you.

2. Meet at places where you feel comfortable.

If you don’t like loud bars, don’t go there. Often introverts are also people-pleasers, and they will do what they think is asked of them even if they suffer. Find a place that makes you feel comfortable: a laid back coffee shop perhaps, or a park.

Also, consider taking your date out for a walk with your dog, or to meet with mutual friends. You’ll at least then have an ally who will be there for you whatever happens.

3. Avoid smooth talkers.

In a relationship, you need to be heard. If your date won’t allow you to get a word in edgewise,  it’s not the right person for you.

4. Look for subtle connections.

Sometimes we get so flooded by first impressions and things to look out for, it’s difficult to just feel what it’s like to sit with this person. Do you like being there? Or does it feel crowded, overwhelming, or make you nervous? Make sure you actually enjoy hanging out with your date.

5. Beware of takers.

Introverts are often givers. We listen, pay attention, and want to be there for the other. Make sure you get to be on the receiving end of the equation. If you have to ask repeatedly for romantic gestures or to be included, this is what you sign up for down the road.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013



Sunday, March 17, 2013


                                               professional help !

                                  DATİNG ADVİCE 2

It seems as though chat up lines have got themselves a bad reputation over the years. In our upside-down world of dating, where there is no longer any etiquette, chat-up lines have become hugely associated with being ‘hit on’ in a bar or club by undesirable characters (and haven't we all been there?).

The truth is, though, that meeting new people isn’t easy. Approaching new people is even harder. I mean, what do you say? Do you introduce yourself? Do you talk about the weather? See, not that easy.

It’s a common misconception that woman hate chat-up lines, but actually they can prove to be great ice breakers. In fact it has been found that women are more likely to fall for a man if he breaks the ice with a cheesy chat up line. The theory being that women appreciate a man with a sense of humour, and a chat-up is a good way to display that. Having a ‘ballsy’ or confident attitude is also very attractive to the opposite sex. You see, chat-up lines are just a way of grabbing someone's attention and showing them that you like them - in a light-hearted way. And there’s no harm in that, is there?

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Now don’t get me wrong, no one wants to be approached by a complete loser jeering ‘get your coat love, you’ve pulled’. That kind of talk is likely to warrant an unfriendly stare that asks ‘Who are you? How dare you invade my personal space?’, even from some of the most forgiving of people. But used at the right time, in the right way, they can be effective, if not genius.

So we think it's time to make a stand and bring back the good old chat-up line. Not the creepy type that will likely get you slapped, but the fun and cheeky type that will get you talking, if not get you a date. To start the ball rolling we’ve done a little research of our own and found some of the best, the worst, and the down-right cheesiest chat up lines, for you to enjoy. Who knows, you may even want to put some of them into practice…

The good

I lost my phone number, can I borrow yours?
Hi, I'm Mr. Right. Someone said you were looking for me.
You see my friend over there? He wants to know if you think I'm cute?
The bad

Can I have a picture of you so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas?
Are you a parking ticket, because you have got fine written all over you!
If I had one chance to rearrange the alphabet, I would put U and I together.
The cheesy

Did it hurt? When you fell out of heaven.
Do you believe in love at first sight ... or should I walk past again?
The only thing your eyes haven't told me is your name.
Ok, so even the good ones are more than a little cheesy, but that shouldn’t stop you! Why not pick your favourite and road test it next time you see somebody you like? You might have some rejections (it happens to everyone), you will most definitely have some laughs, but best of all, you might end up starting the one thing you were looking for.
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Sunday, March 10, 2013



Over the 10+ years I’ve been a dating coach for men, I’ve heard some really incredibly BAD advice. On the surface most of the tips you read out there SOUND good at first, but you quickly realize just how ineffective they are when you actually try to use them.
I’m going to cover three of these bad dating tips for you here, and I’ll do my best to set the record straight so you never fall into one of these traps…

Bad Dating Tip #1: “Just Be Confident.”
Really? Are you kidding me?
I wish I was kidding about this, but it’s one of the most common


     9 HABITS       

After all, being successful with women is really only a perquisite of developing these traits.  There are so many other benefits that come with constantly striving to be the best you can be.

If you want to be able to develop these traits and start using them as quickly as possible, I thought it would be useful to condense and summarize them for you in order to make it easier for you to create that laser-like focus in order to accomplish this.

If you want to be attractive to as many women as possible and create a life



We all want to look self-assured and powerful to other people. Not to mention, we just want to feel confident enough to try new things and venture out of our claustrophobic comfort zone.

- What women would you approach if you had more confidence?

- What business opportunities would you seek if you had more confidence?

- What kind of hobbies would you try if confidence



The definition of what makes a true man – the Alpha Male – has grown fuzzy over the past few decades. For some reason, traits that are considered manly have become confused with being a jerk.

I think it’s because of this that “manliness” has become taboo.

But I’m here to tell you that women want a manly man. They want a take-charge leader who knows what he wants and isn’t afraid to go after it. Women repeatedly tell me that this is the biggest turn on.

What happens is that the world is constantly telling us



There are a million things you can do on a first date to make it a success. But there is one thing you shouldn’t do: the traditional dinner and a movie date. This is boring.

It works fine if you have been dating for a while, but for the first few dates, it doesn’t show any adventurousness on your part.That breaks a cardinal rule for dating advice formen. And worse than that, it doesn’t give you enough time to really get to know each other. Even a short movie takes up at two hours of your time. That is two whole hours you could be engaged in conversation and getting to know



It’s not about how much money you have. It’s not about how good looking you are. It’s not about how cool your job is or what kind of car you drive. Women may notice some of those things, but ultimately that is not what is going to impress them.
What will really impress a woman are your actions. Not your things. It’s the intangibles that ultimately make a difference in how women look at you. In fact, women are programmed to look for certain behaviors in men – certain secret attraction triggers.
Here are a few areas you can focus on if you want to learn how to impress a girl:

It doesn’t take any money, just some thought. Good manners are a great way to make yourself classier and are a great way of showing you know how to impress a girl.
I had a friend who must have dated a bunch of losers before she met her husband. She was beautiful and quite a catch, but it made me a bit sad that she was so impressed that this guy opened her doors for her and had great manners. Because so few men have these types manners, it really made an impression on her. So, if you don’t already do so, practice your good manners until they come naturally.
You don’t have to be the witty guy who is popping off jokes all the time or who is wild and crazy, but you probably should think about ways in which you can be a fun guy if you really want to know how to impress a girl. It’s not so much what you do, as your attitude about things.
For instance, you might think about being the type of guy who will grab her on the walk home and start waltzing with her on the sidewalk. Or you might be the type of guy who will pull off on the side of the road at the last minute, grab her hand, and take her on a spontaneous moonlight beach stroll. It has to fit your personality, but think about ways you can add a little fun into your life.
This is also sometimes thought of as “spontaneity.” And it’s something she is programmed to look for in a guy.
Now when you are looking at ways on how to impress a girl, you might think respect and manners go hand-in-hand. Well in a way, they do, but they deserve separate mentions. Having respect means really listening and caring about a woman’s wants and needs. It means always talking to her in a way where you show you respect her thoughts, opinions, and ideas.
You don’t always have to agree with her, in fact, it is healthy to agree to disagree on some things. But you do have to value her as a person and take her wants, needs, and thoughts into consideration in everything you do together.
This will really show you know how to impress a girl. Do unexpected things every once in a while to show you are thinking about her.Women THRIVE on this one because they are programmed to desire attention and appreciation. It’s one of a woman’s fundamental needs.
For instance, do her favors without asking. If she is dreading having to cut the grass this weekend, surprise her and do it first. Send her text messages during her workday every once in a while to let her know you’re thinking about her. These types of thoughtful gestures will mean a lot to her and are a great way to make a lasting and positive impression.



Did you know that both men and women have strong fears about throwing themselves in the dating arena? It’s not a battle to the death, but it can end up in heartache.
That’s why before you jump in head first it helps to follow a bit of dating advice for men.
I think a lot of men forget that women also have fears about dating. Just a little bit of understanding and acknowledging these fears can go a long way. Some of the best dating advice for men forget that women are afraid, as well.



Do you want to sleep with women?

Look, let’s talk like men here.

It’s the locker room. There are no women listening in.

Be honest – you want to have sex with attractive women.

Almost ALL men do. And that’s normal and HEALTHY!

Here’s something freaky…



You’ve all seen the guy – or maybe you’ve been the guy – who is dressed for the part, who has all the right lines memorized and yet leaves the club or bar alone at the end of the night.

From the outside looking in, this guy has what it takes to pull amazing women, so why can’t he? It’s all about a little something called self-confidence and attitude. It is these two intangible qualities than make all the difference in a guy’s efforts to pick up women.




When first meeting a woman or wanting to approach a woman you are interested in; you may feel uncertain about how she may react once making contact.  You might start debating in your mind about what to say to her and how she will react to what you say.

It is important to be relaxed and also be confident with what you will want to say to her.  If you worry about her rejecting you than she will probably reject you.   You have nothing to lose by initially approaching her and trying to communicate with her.

How to Talk to Women – TIP 1: “Don’t be Long-Winded.”

When first approaching a woman, you don’t want to talk too much and monopolize the entire conversation.  If the conversation is one-sided, you will bore her out of her mind.  The conversation should flow naturally between both of you.  Talking too much doesn’t leave her curious and wanting more from you.

There is no point in being long-winded anyway.  If you will be seeing her again, you want to have more to talk about with her the next time you meet.


Seduction Technigues   

We’ve all seen the guy who walks into a crowded room and leaves with a woman on each arm and all the rest of the women looking longingly at him.

It is beyond baffling. Especially when he is dressed in a wrinkled shirt, has not shaven and doesn’t have a dime to his name. So exactly what does he has? He has knowledge of three seduction secrets.

Here are the secrets you need to add to you arsenal of seduction techniques:
Seduction Techniques Secret 

1: Attraction is not logical.

That means that women don’t cerebrally choose which men they are going to be attracted to. It is not voluntary. The key to making yourself attractive to a woman lies not in your looks, but in how you communicate.

A woman wants you to seduce her. If you can successfully do this, it doesn’t matter what you look like or if she finds you physically handsome, she will still be attracted to you.

Learn how to communicate in ways that spark her attraction to you. It’s much less about how you look and everything to do with how you act and what you say and what desire you can create in her.


Seduction Techniques Secret 2: Don’t constrain or confine her.

If you appear to take away, threaten her independence or freedom, or come on too strong, she will run away. Play a bit hard to get and stay at arm’s length so she doesn’t feel tied down. Attempting to constrain her will backfire.

It’s said then when women start to desire a child, that’s when they actually crave the stability of being tied down, but until them, they don’t want to feel trapped. Setting boundaries and reining her in are only going to make her want to run away. And fast.

Seduction Techniques Secret 3: Women are seduced by men who challenge and tease her.

When you tease a woman, this sparks attraction. If you play a bit hard to get and remain a bit elusive, this will build her desire for you. When you tease her a bit and challenge her, you show you are not desperate and that you are a desirable commodity.

This behavior also oozes self confidence. Teasing especially works well with extremely beautiful women who have had men doting and falling over them their entire lives. Show her something different. Challenge her and tease her.

Gorgeous women have often been put on a pedestal. And believe me, they are bored by it as much as you are frustrated by it. Show women you are different and that her outward beauty doesn’t faze you. What these seduction techniques all have in common is the realization that what counts is what is inside.

If you follow some of these secrets, you will unlock the key to understanding why some guys seemingly have all the luck. It’s not luck at all. It’s knowledge, skill, and understanding of what makes women tick.


Saturday, March 9, 2013



It’s a competitive world out there on the single scene and it seems like men are coming up with increasingly complicated ways to meet and pick up women every day.


But are they always effective methods?

Friday, March 8, 2013



Well the answer is quite simple, and it has nothing to do with name brands or the look of the merchandise itself, it’s all about the emotions a women gets from buying something.

If you didn’t already know most women suffer from low self-esteem, and to combat this women surround themselves with positive experiences such as shopping for shoes or other make them feel good things, what drives their actual purchase however is the emotion behind the purchase and the experience that the sales people provide them.

Here are simple examples of how women buy things: The cosmetic counter at the department store, free samples of fudge brownies at the grocery store, massage chairs in the mall kiosk area, hair salons, manicurists, tanning salons, health food stores, shoe stores, what attracts women to these places? It all has to do with the feel good emotions and positive experiences women get from these places of business. That’s why they buy.


I am going to teach you, that to attract women it’s really a matter of understanding two rules and applying these rules to a five step process, to close the deal and attract women just like the stores do.

The two rules are, needs analysis, and the 80/20 rule. The needs analysis is any and all relevant information obtained during a sales interview that leads to a solution to a person’s problem. The 80/20 rule is simply to listen 80% of the time and ask questions or answer questions 20% of the time.

Here’s how to apply these rules to attract women.

In order to effectively attract women you must give her five things, to close the deal. 

You’re not selling anything materialistic but you are selling intimacy, and if you want to attract women you must know how to sell the intimacy you offer or it will get rejected.


PERSONAL: The experience you want in order to attract women, must be personal, ask her name and use it often, women are often put off by being called nick names, before you actually know who they are. Ask more questions too, like about her family, pets, living arrangements, favorite foods etc. (Don’t ask if she is single assume she is if she’s talking to you) Remember it’s not a competition, don’t compete. If she feels you are competing against her you’ll never get the information you need to attract women. Friendly is the mindset you need, she must feel that the intimacy you offer is sane, functional and stress free.

PROFESSIONAL: This is where you want to attract women through the use of confidence and charisma. This is the rapport building stage of you conversation.

Now the two rules I mentioned before come into play here big time, if you are warm, friendly, full of high positive energy, this is the time that you ask more intimate questions, using the 80/20 rule you now begin to form your needs analysis, and your intimacy is the solution to her problems of a low self-esteem and otherwise dull boring life.

This is where you attract women by demonstrating charisma through the use of tact of words, not game playing and manipulation. Ask more detailed questions about her life in a warm and friendly way, make her feel as if you actually care, she wants to trust you and make a connection all women do.

PRODUCTIVE: This part of the conversation is how you deepen the interaction and really attract women this is where they begin to fall for you. Have you ever heard the expression this conversation is going no where? This is the time to take her mind where she wants to go, from negative to positive.

She doesn’t have time for games, tell her indirectly what you want and what you want to do at this point. If you want her to have sex with you, tell her you want to hang out at your place and you’ve got something to show her over there even if it’s your Star Wars collection. Just don’t tell her that!

PART OF THE PROCESS: Women want to feel like you are on their side when it comes to intimacy. When it comes to attracting women, she needs to know that you understand her and her needs, and that you can offer her clear solutions to her problems. Women will often say I just want a guy that is in sync with me.


If you have discovered her needs she will be more inclined to trust you because she feels you “get” her, and when you attract women she wants to see you as an ally that has her best interests at heart, not yours.


POSITIVE: Women love to talk, about themselves and about you when you have demonstrated high value as an Alpha male. When you attract women it is a must to have the entire interaction positive and fun. Once you have established a great relationship with a woman, she will tell everyone about you and how intimate you are.

You can attract women through sales as I have, and sell them your high value intimacy that Beta males don’t have and she will continue to sell your intimacy to other women. Now get out there attract women, sell your intimacy, without fear of rejection.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013



The secret about learning how to talk to women isn’t always about what comes out of your mouth. If you want women to think you are a fascinating conversationalist, you only have to do three things:
be a good listener
be curious
and have well-rounded interests.

Good Listener

The most revered conversationalists in history were actually simply good listeners. 

It’s not just keeping your mouth shut – that doesn’t work and will make you seem like you are a bit dim-witted. Instead, knowing how to talk to women is about knowing when and what to say in the conversation. It’s all about knowing how to listen and then asking pertinent questions.

Taking a genuine interest in what a person is saying is always attractive. It makes the other person feel good and makes them more interested in you and what you have to say.
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If you want to be completely comfortable when you talk to women, it also helps to be well rounded and informed. That means that you are able to comment and have an opinion on a variety of subjects. It makes you a better conversationalist and also a more interesting person in general.

Here are a few ways to accomplish this:

Scan through at least one daily newspaper. You can do this online. While you may not have time to read the entire thing, try to pick at least one article to read from each section: world news, national news, sports, money, the arts, and so on. Take your time and think about the article. Examine your reaction to it and form an opinion. (Just be careful you don’t get pulled down into a negative mindset. Most news is negative and fear-inducing.)

Pursue your hobbies and interests. Make sure you have something interesting going on in your life. (Boy, you’re going to get tired of hearing me say this one.) All work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy. Take some time in your life to be active in at least one activity you like. This could be playing chess, shooting hoops, reading history books, or taking in foreign flicks. Make yourself interesting and you automatically have something to talk about and add to a conversation.

Try this exercise – it’s one that some of the most amazing women in the world have admitted doing to make themselves appear as scintillating conversationalists (same thing works for men who want to learn how to talk to women). What they do is think of a topic to bring up in conversation beforehand, such as in the shower, etc. They even do a little practicing about what they are going to say. Women such as Sophia Loren and Jackie O have talked about doing this.

Be Curious

So what if she is talking about a subject that you have never heard about in your life? 
Maybe she is talking about nuclear fission. In that case, you really have no comment, but you have lots of opportunity to ask questions and form an opinion. In instances like this, it pays to have an active curiosity about life.
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Monday, March 4, 2013



If you pay attention to these mistakes, you are going to shave a few months and several hours off your learning curve on how to talk to women. Read them, think about them and let them sink in and you will be a head above the rest of the leg humping guys out there trying to get the girl.

How To Talk To Women MISTAKE #1: Starting out as Friends.
For whatever reason, be it insecurity or fear of rejection or what have you, I see guy after guy thinking that starting out as “friends first” is the way to make a girl interested.
I almost wonder if we men are embarrassed to show that we are interested or that we try to camouflage our interest as something else.

Sometimes it gave us the balls to go up to a woman by convincing ourselves and her that we were just walking up to talk to her on a friendship level and not hitting on her. I like to call this behavior motivated by the “fear of being found out.”

Have you ever asked the time as a way to approach a woman? Then when she answers, what do you say next? Not much. It doesn’t leave much room for conversation.

Here’s a little secret – when women say they want to be friends first, they want to see how you will react. If you get mad or frustrated, then the woman assumes you just wanted to have sex with her. But if you respond by showing you are confident and sexual, then you don’t come off as a wimp looking for her permission to be interested.

Trying to be friends first tells her you are insecure, needy, and not sure of your ability to make her happy as a man! It is approval-seeking behavior, which is NEVER attractive.

How To Talk To Women MISTAKE #2: Depending On A Pick Up Line

Too many men think that what they say for the first time to a woman is a make-or-break situation. In reality, the first thing you say is the last thing you need to worry about.

What does matter is your sincerity and believability in what you say.

In other words, it’s not what you say; it’s how you say it.

Here is one opener that is always successful because it is sincere and believable:

“Hi, I hope you don’t mind, but I don’t have a clever pickup line. I just wanted to come over and say hello. My name is …”

When you say this, you are telling her quite a few things about yourself. You are telling her that you know picking up women is a game and you are above that. You are telling her you have confidence and sincere and that you aren’t trying to con her.

How To Talk To Women #3: Not Learning From Your Mistakes

The men who are most successful with women are those who have taken the time to learn from their mistakes. I’ve learned a lot from what they have shared with me. 

One thing that surprised me was seeing these men who date loads of women crash and burn at times.

Even these pros still had times when they had to deal with rejection. But they didn’t have any fear of it.

They took it in stride. They knew what worked and what didn’t. They knew how to get women to talk to them and go home with them. But sometimes they struck out. 

During those times, they learned from what went wrong and moved on.

If you avoid these mistakes when learning how to talk to women, you are on your way to living the good life and dating amazing women.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Talk To Girl 2

                                 TALK TO GIRL 2
She’s hot and she likes you. You’re fun and the one she calls when she wants to go get a last-minute drink or go dancing at midnight. She confides everything to you. She’s cried into your sleeve about her abusive ex-boyfriend and how she has such a hard time trusting men now. You’re falling for her big time.
But there’s one big problem. You’ve never even exchanged a kiss. You’ve hugged and she’s even slept over in your bed one night when it got really late.
You might wonder when you should make your move or if she is waiting for you to kiss her. She’s not. Face it, my friend, you are firmly entrenched in that dangerous territory called The Friend Zone.
Your entry and exit into The Friend Zone has a lot to do with what you say and do. Here are some thoughts on how to talk to girls:

How to Talk To Girls Tips:


1. Look for the red flags. You missed the biggest one – this girl is coming from an abusive relationship and it looks like she wants you to fix her. The problem is, you can’t. She’s got issues and she’s going to manipulate you to be her best friend and confidant, but she’s not going to fall for you, no matter how much she leads you to believe this is a possibility.
2. Face facts, you’re basically her bitch. If she cries on your shoulder, sleeps in the same bed as you, but there is no physical or intimate contact, then she has turned you into her best friend forever. You’re not anyone’s BFF, you are a man, and you need to establish that right now. No more crying sessions with the girls.  VİDEO ! She can save that for someone else.
3. You blew it along time ago. Your chance to remain safely free of the Friend Zone came and went a long time ago. It’s your job as a man to make sure that every time you meet a woman, you are advancing your approach and making sure it is always moving toward intimacy. If you drop the ball in this area, you will get categorized as a friend. IT’s entirely your fault. You are responsible for her deciding you weren’t someone to have sex with, but are a good buddy.
When most men are told the three tips above about how to talk to women, they think the next step is to just lay one on her. To just bust a move and let her know you find her attractive as a woman. But honestly, I think at this point it is too late. You need to move on. If you don’t break off the relationship right now, you are headed down that slippery slope that leads to being a wimp without a shred of confidence.

Saturday, March 2, 2013


TALK TO GIRLS                                VİDEO !

You see, there is a fine line between telling a woman enough about yourself to inspire her trust and telling her so much that you lose all of the essential mystery necessary to spark sexual attraction.

How much to disclose is definitely a tricky part of the seduction routine. How do you know what to tell her and when so it will have the maximum impact?

Learning How to Communicate with Girls does not happen overnight, but if you keep this general rule of thumb in mind, you will at least have a start.

Don’t ever, ever tell a girl anything that will result in her being less attracted to you.

Now, of course, this is easier said than done. It does sound like commonsense, but you would be surprised by how many men blow it and spit out too much personal, intimate information too early in the game. They seem to just gush about unnecessary details that are too much, too soon.

It’s a fine balance in how to have a conversation with women because they will be practically begging you to be honest and share yourself with them, but don’t be suckered into doing so.

How to Talk to Girls:
1. Women don’t really want to know it all. They just want you to tell them enough so they feel comfortable sleeping with you…

2. If you blab too early, it will positively murder any chance you had getting laid. It also shows the woman you lack self-discipline and self-control, which are two crucial parts of your overall self-confidence.

3. A much better idea is to err on the other end. Take the chance that you are not giving her enough personal information and detail. That way you weave an aura of mystique around you.

Just for fun, I’m going to share with you a few things that you really need never share if you want to know flirting with women effectively:

Your impressive statistics on serial killers

Sex stories

Kinky sex desires (save those for later)

How big your comic/toy/porn collection is.It can actually be summed up like this: 
Avoid any talk of blood, death, pain, murder, war, rape, famine or anything else that might have a negative connotation.

A woman doesn’t need to know your sordid past. She just needs to know you aren’t a freak or dangerous before she will sleep with you. That’s a little secret you should remember in talking to women.



Women all have different tastes in men. Some women like swarthy dark haired men while others prefer surfer blondes. Often women say they want a guy who is ambitious in pursing his career, while others want to date a down-and-out street musician.

There is no formula that you can follow that will make you successful in your dating endeavors, but there are some areas you can concentrate on that will help along the way. These are just a few of the dating tips for guys that are proven:

Have a Good Sense of Humor

Women love to laugh. Get a woman to laugh and her guard comes down and she has a chance to really get to know you. The ability to make her laugh, along with that crucial ability to laugh at yourself will make you a great date. This is why I put this as the first of the dating tips for guys.

Be Confident
This is crucial. If you want to be a good date, you have to like yourself before you can expect anyone else to like you. If you have some insecurities, and the best of us do, then try faking it until you make it. Put on an attitude that you are confident and practice it until it becomes natural. (Meanwhile you should also be making efforts to improve your self-esteem.)

Be Positive

Nobody wants to be around a crabby, negative personality. Have a good attitude. So things don’t go your way on the date? Make the most of the situation. Not only is this one of the important dating tips for guys, but it will also improve your life in general to remember this bit of advice.

Be An Alpha Male

Friday, March 1, 2013



Millions of men have girlfriends, so why does it sometimes seem so tough to make this a reality in your world? It should be simple. But it’s not always a cinch for everyone. Unless you know a bit about what women want, you might blow your chances to get a girlfriend.

Over the years, most of the guys who have turned to me for advice, want to know one thing: How to get a girlfriend.
I’m going to share with you probably the most basic, simple plan that works on how to get a girlfriend. If you pay attention and follow these steps, it will work for you, just like it’s worked for hundreds of other men.

Here’s what you do:

How To Get A Girlfriend – Step 1: Look at it like a business.

If you think about it, getting a date and subsequently, a girlfriend, is all about being a good salesman. This is on two levels. The first part means selling yourself as a highly sought after product.
The second is running the numbers. There are lots of women – an ocean full of women – but only a few pearls. Realizing that now, puts you ahead of the game. And remember, sometimes it takes opening a lot of oysters to find the pearl inside.

Thursday, February 28, 2013



Most single men who want to learn about dating skills, really only want to learn two things: How to meet women and how to keep women.

If you can learn how to meet single women, you are halfway there. If you don’t have a clue on the best ways to meet women you’ll never have a chance to show how you can keep her happy, interested and attracted to you.
VİDEO ! Here are the three best ways to meet single women:

How To Meet Single Women – Strategy #1 Meet Women in Bars & Clubs.

This is a gamble, because bars and clubs are notorious places for one-night stands and hookups and make it hard to actually meet someone of girlfriend material there.

But there is a good chance there is a woman there for the same reason you are – it’s where a lot of singles mingle. It is a place women go to have fun and single women always know there is the possibility of meeting men when they go to a bar or club.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013



When first meeting a woman or wanting to approach a woman you are interested in; you may feel uncertain about how she may react once making contact.  You might start debating in your mind about what to say to her and how she will react to what you say.

It is important to be relaxed and also be confident with what you will want to say to her.  If you worry about her rejecting you than she will probably reject you.   You have nothing to lose by initially approaching her and trying to communicate with her.

You want to make sure you have it planned out what you want to say.  It is a good idea to think ahead before intending on meeting a woman.  You don’t want to stumble over your words, appear nervous or sound dumb.

How to Talk to Women – 5 TIPS of What NOT to Do, so you have a better chance of another meeting with her.

How to Talk to Women – TIP 1: “Don’t be Long-Winded.”

When first approaching a woman, you don’t want to talk too much and monopolize the entire conversation.  If the conversation is one-sided, you will bore her out of her mind.  The conversation should flow naturally between both of you.  Talking too much doesn’t leave her curious and wanting more from you.  VIDEO !

There is no point in being long-winded anyway.  If you will be seeing her again, you want to have more to talk about with her the next time you meet.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013



The first thing to realize is when you frame it as getting back something you lost – how to get back your girlfriend, you are looking at it in the wrong way.

It’s the difference between outer game and inner game. Outer game is attracting women. Inner game is maintaining their interest.

If you feel that your girlfriend is losing interest or has lost interest, read on and study these get your girlfriend back tips.

Get Your Girlfriend Back Tip #1 Ditch Your Attitude of Scarcity

Monday, February 25, 2013



VİDEO ! She’s hot and she likes you. You’re fun and the one she calls when she wants to go get a last-minute drink or go dancing at midnight. She confides everything to you. 

She’s cried into your sleeve about her abusive ex-boyfriend and how she has such a hard time trusting men now. You’re falling for her big time.

But there’s one big problem. You’ve never even exchanged a kiss. You’ve hugged and she’s even slept over in your bed one night when it got really late.

You might wonder when you should make your move or if she is waiting for you to kiss her. She’s not. Face it, my friend, you are firmly entrenched in that dangerous territory called The Friend Zone.

Sunday, February 24, 2013



It’s a ritual that has gone on for ages – you see a girl you like and you ask her for a date.

In fact, the whole point of learning how to approach women is to walk away with a phone number or having arranged a future date, right?

How to ask a woman for a date means putting yourself out on a limb and risking rejection. So how do you avoid this scenario?

Easy. Don’t ask women out on dates.

Bear with me, here. I don’t mean to stop going out and having a great time with women. What I mean is stop framing it as a date scenario.

When you ask a woman out on a date, she automatically assumes you are romantically interested in her, that you probably want to have sex with her and that you might even end up hurting her in a break up. That is the thought process that asking a woman out on a date could trigger when you approach women.

Saturday, February 23, 2013



This is your guide to understanding women. A little bit of understanding goes a long way. Most men are completely clueless about how women work and what they want. 

With a little bit of understanding about what makes the fairer sex tick, you will be ahead of the game and stand out from the crowd.

I’m going to share with you a few tips on dating that will give you greater understanding of women and help you attract women a lot easier.

Guide To Understanding Women – Secret Strategy 1: Build up excitement and curiosity before you get close with her.

To create a really strong spark of attraction, you need to get the woman to feel excited and curious about you. If you don’t take the time to create these feelings, she’s going to consider you her new BFF instead of her lover.

It is less important to find out what you have in common and more crucial to create that spark of attraction by knowing how to flirt, play with the conversation and tease her. Don’t wear your heart on your sleeve or you are doomed from the get go.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Nothing sucks more than being dumped. Well, some things do, but you can usually count a break-up as one of the more painful experiences you go through as a single guy. As a result, I have a non-ending flow of guys writing and asking advice on how to get your girlfriend back.

Now, I’ve got some great tips on how to get your girl back, but in this article, I want to talk a little bit about preventive maintenance. You know, preventing a problem before it happens.

Monday, February 18, 2013



The very first step in improving your dating game is to step back and do a bit of reflection. This is some of the best dating advice for men I could give you.

First, find a quiet spot and armed with a pen and paper, brainstorm and jot down what first comes to mind when you dig down deep and think about what you are looking to achieve in your dating life.
When you are seeking out dating advice for men, you might want to ponder the following questions when determining what your overall

Saturday, February 16, 2013


               SECRET STRATEGIES      

Despite what you might think, most men who are successful in pulling the ladies were not born with this ability. Sure, some of them were born with good looks – which definitely can help. And others were raised in such a way that they exude self-confidence, which is always a plus. But most guys have learned tips and techniques that help them in attracting women. Here are just a few that are easy to learn and practice and will quickly improve your ability to meet and attract women.

Eye Contact

Have you heard about women who talk about love at first sight? It’s that look across the room