Thursday, February 14, 2013


TO Ask A Girl Date

The first step in how to ask a girl for a date is to differentiate yourself from all the other yahoos out there.

What do most guys say when they
walk up to a girl?

“Hey. How’s it going?”

Boring. No wonder there is an awkward silence.

If you want to know how to go out with her(and get a yes for an answer), you need to start thinking.

You need to figure out ways to be different, so you stand out from the masses that are approaching these beautiful women constantly. Even above-average women are approached all the time.

So, if you want to know some steps in making a  girl decide to go out with you, take a look at these ways to stand out.

How to ask a girl for a date Steps:

1. Keeping your body so it is not facing her, walk over and ask the time. Then ask about her watch – or phone if she checks the phone for the time. Ask her where she got the phone or watch and so on. Then start teasing her, busting her balls.

For instance, you can say. “Is that one of those fake Rolex watches?” Do it with a sly smile and sense of humor so she knows you are not just being a jerk.

2. If she doesn’t have a watch or the time, then immediately start teasing her, busting her balls.

“Can’t afford a watch, huh?” Say this with a smile. “Sorry to hear that. I’m the CEO at IBM so maybe I can find you a job there? Do you know how to make coffee?”

If she starts getting pissed, bust her balls for that. If you want to be successful in  making her to go out with you, you need to immediately show you are confident and not putting her on a pedestal. You are showing that she has to prove herself just like any other girl.

3. Teasing also breaks through a woman’s defenses and establishes a level of trust. For instance, when you tease her, you are treating her like her big brother’s friend who has known her forever. The key is to never be a dick about it, but always do it lightheartedly with a smart-Alec smile.

Don’t get me wrong, you can often initiate a conversation with a hey-how’s-it-going, but then you have to immediately go into something different. Otherwise, that awkward silence after she says “fine” will sink you.

That is not a good way to start out.

Instead, you might say that you only have a few minutes before you need to head out to your new pad because you are the new bachelor on the TV show. Whatever funny smart Alecky thing you can think of is better than a roaring silence.

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